Model Number C105
Form-factor dongle
Functions TOTP sha1
Dimensions 61 × 28 × 9 mm
Weight 12 gr
1 profile

command line tool
Product ID T2-64
Wordpress fully compatible
Google Account fully compatible
Azure On-Prem MFA Server fully compatible
Azure Cloud MFA / Office 365 AD Premium P1 or P2 fully compatible
Azure Cloud MFA / Office 365 AD Free/Basic fully compatible
Stripe Dashboard fully compatible
Meraki Dashboard fully compatible
ISDecisions UserLock fully compatible
ESET Secure Authentication fully compatible
Watchguard AuthPoint fully compatible

Not listed here

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If the system you are using is not included in the compatibility list, it does not necessarily indicate incompatibility. We encourage you to refer to our integration guides page or get in touch with us for more information.

data sheet

Token2 Keyfob C105 TOTP hardware token



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Form-factor: Keyfob/Dongle

Algorithm: TOTP, SHA1, 6 digits, 30 seconds

Dimensions 61mm × 28mm × 9mm

Weight 12.2g

Physical Resistance IP67 

Time offset: 30 seconds

Number of digits: 6

Screen type: LCD

Expected lifetime: 3-4 years 

Programmable: ✓ Yes - NFC (only Android and Windows command line tool)

Maximal seed length: 20 bytes (40 hex / 32 base32 characters)